Utilities Assistance

Below are resources for rent assistance:

Fuel Assistance

The Fuel Assistance Program (FAP) is New Hampshire's arm of the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The Fuel Assistance Program provides benefits to qualified New Hampshire households to assist with heating costs. The Fuel Assistance Program can also help households during a heating emergency by securing an emergency delivery of fuel, delaying a shut-off notice, or referring clients to another source of assistance.  The program will open after July 1st.  

Energy Assistance

The Electric Assistance Program (EAP) provides a discount on monthly electric bills for income-eligible utility customers, making bills more affordable for homeowners, renters and subsidized renters to help avoid service interruption due to non-payment.  To apply, go to the website and complete an application.  For questions, call (603) 668-8010.