Rent Assistance

Below are resources for rent assistance:

The Homelessness Prevention Services provides services that may include short-term assistance to prevent eviction, help in securing new housing for those who are suddenly homeless, and information & referrals for individuals and families in need of emergency shelter. To apply, contact (603) 431-2911.

New Hampshire Housing provides direct assistance to very low-income households, helping them obtain decent and affordable housing through HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. This program helps prevent homelessness by offering stable housing for thousands of Granite Staters. For more information, call (603) 472-8623 or email

Isaiah 58 NH addresses homelessness and housing insecurity in Western Rockingham County by creating affordable housing units and assisting those in need with monthly assistance and also by addressing the underlying causes that create financial instability and limit the self-sufficiency of their clients.  For more information, call (603) 952-8000 or email