Next Election, Absentee Ballot App, Supervisor's Meeting, Party Change Black-out Period

Next Election:   State Primary
September 10, 2024
7:00am - 8:00pm, 4 Main Street, Community Center

If you are unable to vote in-person at the polls on election day for a legal reason as outlined in RSA 657:4, you may complete and submit a request for an absentee ballot:  Application for State Election Absentee Ballot Application 

The Atkinson Supervisors of the Checklist
will be in session 
at the Atkinson Community Center
4 Main Street, Atkinson, NH

The supervisors will be meeting to update the voter checklist to include party affiliation changes, name and address changes, for existing voters and new voter registrations. 

  • Current registered voters to bring photo ID.
  • Newly registered voters to bring proof of residence, citizenship and age as well as photo ID.

**PARTY CHANGE BLACKOUT PERIOD:  June 4, 2024-Sept. 10, 2024***

Also, if you move INSIDE Atkinson or changed your mailing address, please visit the Clerk's Office or the Supervisor Meeting to update your voter record.  To see your current Voter Information, visit https://app.sos.nh.gov/viphome

For more information about voting in NH, absentee ballots, or upcoming election information, please visit the the NH Secretary of State website


Please email the Supervisors of the Checklist at supervisors@atkinson-nh.gov